




我的博士論文透過溫瓊(溫元帥)信仰,一方面追溯台灣王爺信仰的淵源,另一方面也探討道教和地方民間信仰之間的相互影響過程。溫瓊又稱溫元帥或忠靖王,屬於瘟神信仰的神明之一,早在宋代此一信仰就已經傳播甚廣,地區則遍及南中國(特別是江蘇、浙江及福建諸省),信徒則包括道士、法師以及一般信眾。時至今日,溫元帥信仰仍流行於台灣,演變成王爺信仰的一部分,而在文革後的中國大陸亦有捲土重來之勢。除了討論中國疾病史之外,我的博士論文意圖探討以下的問題:道士如何區分道教與地方信仰中的神祇?道士企圖如何影響這些信仰、其成效如何?經過許多修改之後,1995年博士論文得以專書形式出版(Demon Hordes and Burning Boats. The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang)。溫元帥和台灣的王爺信仰有密切的關係,在屏東縣東港鎮以及台灣王爺信仰其他聖地進行長期研究工作之後,1997年出版了中文版的《台灣的王爺信仰》。

第二本專書,Images of the Immortal. The Cult of Lü Dongbin at the Palace of Eternal Joy,充分運用各種不同形式的文獻和資料,著重其文本性(textuality)的討論;這些資料包括:《道藏》中有關呂洞賓的傳說和全真教的記載、永樂宮建置的碑文、永樂宮三座主要宮殿內的壁畫,以及各種以呂洞賓為題材的小說和戲劇,和流行於永樂一帶的民間故事。為了剖析上述資料所蘊含的意義,特就其文本性作深入的探究,從各種文本編撰的過程(production)、內容的流傳(transmission)、以及其為人接受的程度(reception),一一討論。由於有此種文本的分析做為基礎,使得本書對山西呂洞賓的信仰、以及其和全真教的關涉,能有更為深刻的剖析。該書另有中文版《多面相的神仙──永樂宮的呂洞賓信仰》,吳光正、劉瑋(譯),劉耳(校)(濟南:齊魯書社,2010)。

或許是因為在耶魯大學期間曾經寫過關於白蓮教的學士論文的緣故,所以我對於台灣的千禧年與救世主信仰以及相關武裝抗爭也非常感興趣。加上認識了一些熱心的南部學者如林瑞明、簡文敏諸位先生等,以及文史工作者,使我踏上研究日治時期台灣最重要的武裝抗爭之一「噍吧哖事件」(西來庵事件)。此研究先後得到兩次國科會專題研究計畫補助,第一個計畫綜合了殖民史與社會史兩個研究取向,以噍吧哖事件做為個案,探討日本殖民政策對台灣所造成的影響和一般民眾的反應。迄今已經完成了兩個電腦資料庫的製作:(一)參與起事者的個人資料(包括姓名、戶籍地、年齡、職業等)、加入的時間、被招募的過程,被起訴、判決和執行的情況等。(二)台南縣南庄、菁埔寮與竹頭崎三個村庄的戶籍資料。第二個計畫主要是完成台南縣沙仔田、芒仔芒、竹圍、岡仔林、內庄仔庄、中坑、北寮等七個村庄的戶籍資料建檔,並且針對此七個村庄的戶籍資料進行有系統的整理與分析;同時,更進一步利用這些戶籍資料,與我先前所建立的「西來庵事件被判刑者資料檔」、日治時期人口統計兩項資料,進行比對、分析。最後,並且透過田野調查、耆老訪問,深入討論噍吧哖事件對於這七個村庄所造成的衝擊。關於此課題的研究成果,已出版英文專書When Valleys Turned Blood Red: The Ta-pa-ni (噍吧哖) Incident in Colonial Taiwan (2005)。該書另有中文版《染血的山谷──日治時期的噍吧哖事件》(三民書局,2006)。此外,另撰有 “Governmentality and its Consequences in Colonial Taiwan” 一文 (Journal of Asian Studies, 2005)。

近年來,我的研究係圍繞者宗教與司法的相互影響,特別是漢人社會中的神判儀式。所謂的神判儀式 (judicial rituals),是指人們無法確定某一方有理或無理,乃至於有罪或無罪時,轉而祈請城隍爺、東嶽大帝、地藏王菩薩、大眾爺等屬於地獄司法體系的神明來裁決是非的儀式。此一研究也是有前緣的,由於先前研究溫元帥、王爺、大眾爺信仰時,發現漢人社會常見的神判儀式包括立誓、告陰狀、扮犯人等,皆具有司法面向,故長時間關切這個課題。在國科會的補助下,完成一本英文專書Divine Justice Religion and the Development of Chinese Legal Culture (2009)。本書對立誓、告陰狀等神判儀式做全面性的考察,同時進一步說明這些儀式在漢人社會中的意義。


1. 中央研究院深耕計畫:「近代宗教與族群關係之演變——以湘西地區的道教跟苗族之互動為討論中心」(99-深耕計畫-13),執行時間為2010年1月至2014年12月。

2. 中央研究院主題研究計畫:「1898-1948: 改變了中國宗教的50年」。100年度新增中央研究院主題研究計畫(AS-100-TP-C03),執行時間為2011年1月至2013年12月。

3. 國科會研究計畫:鸞堂與地方社會的發展——以埔里地區的鸞堂為例(二年計劃; NSC 97-2410-H-001-112-MY2)。









中央研究院深耕計畫 (「近代宗教與族群關係之演變——以湘西地區的道教跟苗族之互動為討論中心」,執行時間為2010年1月至2014年12月)






1898-1948: 改變了中國宗教的50年




Paul R. Katz, accepted, Religion in China and its Modern Fate, Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.


Paul Katz, Jan. 2009, Divine Justice — Religion and the Development of Chinese Legal Culture, 240 pages, London and New York: Routledge.



Paul Katz, 2005, When Valleys Turned Blood Red: The Ta-pa-ni Incident in Colonial Taiwan, 313 pages, USA: University of Hawaii Press.

Paul Katz, 1999, Images of the Immortal. The Cult of Lü Dongbin at the Palace of Eternal Joy, 309 pages, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Paul Katz,1997年,《台灣的王爺信仰》,共277頁,台北:商鼎文化出版社。

Paul Katz, 1995, Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang, 261 pages, Albany: SUNY Press.


Paul Katz, Jun. 2011, 民俗曲藝第172、173期,「救世團體與現代中國的新興宗教運動」專輯, 277 pages, 台北: 財團法人施合鄭民俗文化基金會.


Paul Katz,2008年12月,《民俗曲藝第162、163期,「佛教與華人民間信仰」專輯》,共215, 220頁,台北:民俗曲藝。

Paul Katz,2006年9月,《民俗曲藝,第153-154期(「神職人員與地方社會」專輯)》,共263頁,台北市:施合鄭民俗文化基金會。



Paul Katz,2005年3月,《民俗曲藝,第147期(「廟會與地方社會」專輯)》,共332頁,台北市:施合鄭民俗文化基金會。

Paul Katz、吳秀玲,2004年3月,《民俗曲藝,第143期(「天災與宗教」專輯)》,共386頁,台北市:施合鄭民俗文化基金會。

Paul Katz, Murray A. Rubinstein, 2003, Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities, 294 pages, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Paul Katz,2002年9月,《民俗曲藝,第137-138期(「宗教與地方社會」專輯)》,共270頁,台北市:施合鄭民俗文化基金會。


Paul R. Katz, Dec. 2012, “An Unbreakable Thread? Preliminary Observations on the Interaction between Chinese and Taiwanese Religious Traditions under Japanese Colonial Rule”, 臺灣宗教研究, 11(2), 39-70.


Paul R. Katz, Dec. 2011, “Spirit-writing Halls and the Development of Local Communities — A Case Study of Puli 埔里 (Nantou 南投 County)”, 民俗曲藝, 174, 103-184. (TSSCI)

Paul Katz, Alan Bernstein, Oct. 2010, “The Rise of Postmortem Retribution in China and the West”, The Medieval History Journal, 13.2, 199-257. (A&HCI)

Paul Katz, 2009, “Ritual? What Ritual? Secularization in the Study of Chinese Legal History, From Colonial Encounters to Modern Scholarship”, Social Compass, 56(3), 328-344. (SSCI) (IF: 0.106; SSCI ranking: 91.3%)


Paul Katz,2009年,〈西方學界研究中國社區宗教傳統的主要趨勢〉,《文史哲》,第310期,頁58-74。

Paul Katz, Jun. 2008, “Trial by Power – Some Preliminary Observations on the Judicial Roles of Taoist Martial Deities”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 36, pp. 54-83.

Paul Katz, 2007, “Orthopraxy and Heteropraxy Beyond the State: Standardizing Ritual in Chinese Society”, Modern China, 33(1), 72-90. (SSCI) (IF: 0.511; SSCI ranking: 33.3%)

Paul Katz, Dec. 2006, “”It is Difficult to be Indifferent to One’s Roots” – Taizhou 台州 Sojourners and Flood Relief during the 1920s”, 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, 54, 1-58.

Paul Katz, May. 2005, “Festivals and the Recreation of Identity in South China: A Case Study of Processions and Expulsion Rites in Pucheng, Zhejiang”, Journal of Ritual Studies, 19(1), 57-86.

Paul Katz, May. 2005, “Governmentality and its Consequences in Colonial Taiwan: A Case Study of the Ta-pa-ni Incident of 1915”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 64(2), 387-424. (SSCI) (IF: 0.521; SSCI ranking: 31.8%)

Paul Katz, 2003, “Religion and the State in Postwar Taiwan”, The China Quarterly, 174, 395-412. (SSCI) (IF: 1.026; SSCI ranking: 7.6%)

Paul Katz,2003年,〈元代全真道士的史觀與宗教認同——以《玄風慶會圖》為例〉,《燕京學報》,第15期,頁95-107。

Paul Katz, Vincent Goossaert, 2002, “Introduction: New Perspectives on Quanzhen 全真Taoism: The Formation of a Religious Identity”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 29, 91-94.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Writing History, Creating Identity―A Case Study of the Xuanfeng qinghui tu 玄風慶會圖”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 29, 161-178.

Paul Katz,2002年,〈道教與地方信仰——以溫元帥信仰為個例〉,《臺灣宗教研究通訊》,第4期,頁1-30。

Paul Katz, 2001, “Festival Systems and the Division of Ritual Labor: A Case Study of the An-fang 暗訪 at Hsin-chuang’s Ti-tsang An 地藏庵”, 民俗曲藝, 130, 57-124. (TSSCI)

Paul Katz,2000年,〈漢人社會的神判儀式初探——從斬雞頭說起〉,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》,第88期,頁173-202。

Paul Katz, 1999, “Morality Books and Taiwanese Identity―The Texts of the Palace of Guidance”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 27, 69-92.

Paul Katz,1998年,〈新莊地藏庵的大眾爺崇拜〉,《人文學報》,第16卷,頁123-159。

Paul Katz, 1997, “Temple Inscriptions and the Study of Taoist Cults―A Case Study of Inscriptions at the Palace of Eternal Joy”, Taoist Resources, 7(1), 1-22.

Paul Katz, 1996, “Germs of Disaster―The Impact of Epidemics on Japanese Military Campaigns in Taiwan, 1874 and 1895”, Annales de Demographie Historique, 195-220.

Paul Katz, 1996, “Morality Books and the Growth of Local Cults: A Case Study of the Palace of Guidance”, 人文學報, 14, 203-241.

Paul Katz, 1995, “The Pacification of Plagues: A Chinese Rite of Affliction”, Journal of Ritual Studies, 9(1), 55-100.

Paul Katz,1995年,〈日治時代官方寺廟史料的重要性——以東港東隆宮的沿革問題為例〉,《台灣史料研究》,第6號,頁90-106。

Paul Katz,1995年,〈台灣的呂洞賓信仰——以指南宮為例〉,《新史學》,第6卷第4期,頁21-43。

Paul Katz, 1993, “The Religious Function of Temple Murals in Imperial China―The Case of the Yung-lo Kung(永樂宮)”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 21, 45-68.

Paul Katz,1991年,〈屏東縣東港鎮的迎王平安祭典——台灣瘟神與王爺信仰之分析〉,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》,第70期,頁95-211。

Paul Katz, 1990, “Wen Ch’iung(溫瓊)― The God of Many Faces”, Chinese Studies(漢學研究), 8(1), 183-219.

Paul Katz, 1987, “Demons or Deities?―The Wangye(王爺)of Taiwan”, Asian Folklore Studies, 46(2), 197-215.


Paul R. Katz, accepted, “”Superstition” and its Discontents: On the Impact of Temple Destruction Campaigns in China, 1898-1948”, editor(s): 康豹、劉淑芬, 信仰、實踐與文化調適:第四屆漢學會議論文集.宗教篇, 台北: 中央硏究院、聯經出版事業股份有限公司.

康豹,accepted,〈鸞堂與近代臺灣的地方社群 — 埔里的個案研究〉,黎志添編,《十九世紀以來中國地方道教的變遷》,香港:三聯書店。




Paul Katz, Aug. 2011, “Spirit-writing and Hakka Migration in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Canzan Tang 參贊堂 in Puli 埔里, Nantou 南投 County.”, editor(s): 譚偉倫, 中國地方宗教儀式論集, pp. 469-514, 香港: 中文大學出版社.


Paul Katz, 2009, “Religion, Recruiting and Resistance in Colonial Taiwan: A Case Study of the Xilai An Incident, 1915”, editor(s): Philip Clart and Paul Crowe, The People and the Dao: New Studies of Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer, pp. 249-282, Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica.

Paul Katz, 2009, “Banner Worship and Human Sacrifice in Chinese Military History”, editor(s): Perry Link, The Scholar’s Mind: Essays in Honor of F. W. Mote, pp. 207-227, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.


Paul Katz, 2007, “Indictment Rituals and the Judicial Continuum in Late Imperial China”, editor(s): Robert E. Hegel,Katherine Carlitz, Writing and Law in Late Imperial China. Crime, Conflict, and Judgment, pp. 161-185, Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Paul Katz、邱正略, 2006, “Quantifying the Colonized: The History and Significance of Demographic Sources from Colonial Taiwan”, editor(s): Chuang Ying-Chang, Theo Engelen, Arthur P. Wolf, Positive or Preventive? Reproduction in Taiwan and the Netherlands, pp. 19-38, Amsterdam: Askant.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Daoism and Local Cults — A Case Study of the Cult of Marshal Wen”, editor(s): Kwang-ching Liu, Richard Shek, Heterodoxy in Late Imperial China, pp. 172-208, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Divine Justice in Late Imperial China: A Preliminary Study of Indictments, Oaths, and Ordeals”, editor(s): John Lagerwey, Religion and Chinese Society, pp. 869-902, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Fowl Play — Chicken-beheading Rituals and Dispute Resolution in Taiwan”, editor(s): David K. Jordan, Andrew D. Morris, Marc L. Moskowitz, The Minor Arts of Daily Life: Popular Culture in Taiwan, pp. 35-49, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


Paul Katz, 2003, “Identity Politics and the Study of Popular Religion in Postwar Taiwan”, editor(s): Paul R. Katz, Murray Rubinstein, Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities, pp. 157-180, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Paul Katz, 2003, “The Cult of the Royal Lords in Postwar Taiwan”, editor(s): Philip Clart, Charles B. Jones, Religion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society, pp. 98-124, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Paul Katz, 2003, “Local Elites and Sacred Sites in Hsin-chuang – The Growth of the Ti-tsang An during the Japanese Occupation”, editor(s): 林美容, 信仰、儀式與社會:第三屆國際漢學會議論文集, pp. 179-227, 台北: 中央研究院民族學研究所.


Paul Katz, 2003, “Social Structure and Marriage Patterns in East Haven: A Preliminary Analysis”, editor(s): 游鑑明, 無聲之聲 (II):近代中國的婦女與社會(1600-1950), pp. 203-233, 台北: 中央研究院近代史研究所.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Recent Developments in the Study of Chinese Ritual Dramas: An Assessment of Xu Hongtu 徐宏圖’s Research on Zhejiang”, editor(s): Daniel L. Overmyer, Shin-yi Chao, Ethnography in China Today: A Critical Assessment of Methods and Results, pp. 207-237, 台北: 源流出版社.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Images of Lü Dongbin in Ming Literature”, editor(s): 廖可斌、樓含松、周明初, 壁之光——慶祝徐步奎(朔方)教授從事教學科研五十五周年學術研討會論文集, pp. 393-415, 杭州: 浙江大學出版社.

Paul Katz, 2001, “Divine Justice: Chicken-beheading Rituals in Japanese Occupation Taiwan and their Historical Antecedents”, editor(s): 王秋桂、莊英章、陳中民, 社會、民族與文化展演國際研討會論文集, pp. 111-160, 台北: 漢學研究中心.

Paul Katz, 1999, “Temple Cults and the Creation of Hsin-chuang Local Society”, editor(s): T’ang Hsi-yung, Papers from the Seventh Conference on Chinese Maritime History, pp. 735-798, Nankang: Sun Yat-sen Institute of Social Sciences.


Paul Katz, 1998, “The Problem of ‘Localization’ of Popular Religion in Taiwan. A Case Study of the Cult of the Royal Lords”, editor(s): 賴澤涵、于子橋, 台灣與四鄰論文集, pp. 241-270, 台北: 南天書局.

Paul Katz, 1996, “The Cult of the Royal Lords in Postwar Taiwan”, editor(s): Philip Clart, Charles B. Jones, Religion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society, pp. 98-124, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Paul Katz, 1996, “Enlightened Alchemist or Immoral Immortal? The Growth of Lü Tung-pin(呂洞賓)’s Cult in Late Imperial China”, editor(s): Meir Shahar, Robert Weller, Unruly Gods: Divinity and Society in China, pp. 70-104, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.


Paul Katz, 1995, “Plague God Cults in Late Imperial China: A Case Study of the Cult of Marshal Wen(溫元帥)”, editor(s): 漢學研究中心, 寺廟與民間文化研討會論文集第二冊, pp. 459-504, 台北: 文化建設委員會.

Paul Katz, 1994, “Commerce, Marriage and Ritual: Elite Strategies in Tung-kang(東港) During the Twentieth Century”, editor(s): 莊英章、潘英海, 台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集, pp. 127-165, 台北: 中央研究院民族學研究所.

Paul Katz, 1994, “The Interaction Between Ch’üan-chen(全真)Taoism and Local Cults: A Case Study of the Yung-lo Kung(永樂宮)”, editor(s): 漢學研究中心, 民間信仰與中國文化國際研討會論文集第一冊, pp. 201-250, 台北: 漢學研究中心.


Paul Katz, Jan. 2012, “Broadcasting the Tao: Religion and the Mass Media in Modern China”, paper presented at 「回首百年民國」學術研討會, 中央研究院近代史研究所: 中央研究院近代史研究所, 2012-01-11 —— 2012-01-13.

Paul Katz, Apr. 2012, “An Unbreakable Thread? Preliminary Observations on the Interaction between Chinese and Taiwanese Religious Traditions under Japanese Colonial Rule”, 18 pages, paper presented at 第一屆臺灣研究世界大會, 中央研究院: 中央研究院, 2012-04-26 —— 2012-04-28.

Paul Katz, Jun. 2012, “’Superstition’ and its Discontents – On the Impact of Temple Destruction Campaigns in China, 1898-1948”, 41 pages, paper presented at 第四屆國際漢學會議, 中央研究院: 中央研究院, 2012-06-20 —— 2012-06-22.

Paul R. Katz, Nov. 2012, “Repaying a Nuo Vow (還儺願) in Western Hunan (湘西) – A Rite of Trans-Hybridity?”, 40 pages, paper presented at 邊陲社會與國家建構研討會, 香港: 香港科技大學, 2012-11-25 —— 2012-11-26.

Paul Katz, Mar. 2011, “Writing a Place for Rites — Visions of “Old Customs” in Wenzhou during the Great Leap Forward”, paper presented at Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii: Association for Asian Studies, 2011-03-30 —— 2011-04-03.

Paul Katz, Jan. 2010, “Divine Justice? Judicial Rituals and Official Legitimacy Chinese Legal Culture”, paper presented at American Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego: American Historical Association, 2010-01-07 —— 2010-01-10.

Paul Katz, Jun. 2010, “Spirit-writing Halls and the Development of Local Communities — A Case Study of Puli (Nantou County)”, paper presented at Conference on Chinese Local Society in Historical Perspective, Xiamen University: Xiamen University, 2010-06-28 —— 2010-07-02.

Paul Katz, Sept. 2010, “Wang Yiting and the Enchantment of Chinese Modernity”, paper presented at International Conference on Urban Cultural Change in Republican China (1910s-1940s): Dialogue between Cultural Narrative and Historical GIS, Chinese University of Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010-09-18 —— 2010-09-20.

康豹,2010年11月,〈由《委羽洞天邱祖龍門宗譜》來看近代江南道教網路的發展〉,發表於近現代中國城市道教史國際研討會,台南:南台科技大學,2010-11-13 —— 2010-11-14。

Paul Katz, Mar. 2009, “Punitive Yet Not Legal? Representations of Underworld Justice in Late Imperial China”, paper presented at Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL: Association of Asian Studies, 2009-03-26 —— 2009-03-29.

Paul Katz, Nov. 2009, “Divine Justice and Martial Power in Taoist Exorcism”, paper presented at International Conference on New Approaches to the Study of Daoism in Chinese Culture and Society, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009-11-26 —— 2009-11-28.

康豹,2009年11月,〈道教與中國法律文化的建構初探〉,發表於中國東南地域文化國際學術研討會(温州會議),泰順、温州:復旦大學長三角研究院、温州市社會科學界聯合會,2009-11-06 —— 2009-11-08。

Paul Katz, Nov. 2009, “Puli’s Modern History as Seen through its Phoenix Halls — A Progress Report”, paper presented at 台灣漢人民間宗教研究:理論與方法, 中央研究院民族學研究所: 中央研究院民族學研究所, 2009-11-27 —— 2009-11-28.

康豹與邱正略合著,2008年10月,〈鸞務再興—戰後初期埔里地區鸞堂練乩、著書活動〉,發表於2008年水沙連區域研究學術研討會,國立暨南國際大學:國立暨南國際大學,2008-10-18 —— 2008-10-19。

Paul Katz, Apr. 2008, “Trial by Power: On the Judicial Roles of Taoist Martial Deities”, paper presented at Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA: Association of Asian Studies, 2008-04-03 —— 2008-04-06.

Paul Katz, May. 2008, “Spirit-writing and Hakka Migration in Taiwan – A Case Study of the Canzan Tang 參贊堂 in Puli 埔里, Nantou 南投 County”, paper presented at International Conference on Comparative Study of Ritual in Chinese Local Society, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008-05-05 —— 2008-05-07.

Paul Katz, Apr. 2007, “Judicial Rituals in Postwar Taiwan”, paper presented at “Taiwan and its Contexts”, New Haven, CT, USA: Yale University, 2007-04-26 —— 2007-04-28.

Paul Katz, Jun. 2007, “Ritual? What Ritual? Why Scholars of Chinese Law Have Not Had More to Say about Judicial Rituals”, paper presented at The International Conference on Religion and Social Integration in Chinese Societies: Exploring Sociological Approaches to the Study of Religion in the Chinese World, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007-06-28 —— 2007-06-30.

Paul Katz, May. 2007, “Temple Cults and the Formation of Chinese Communities”, paper presented at 「中國史新論.宗教篇與性別篇」研討會, 台北市: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所, 2007-05-01 —— 2007-05-03.

Paul Katz, Jun. 2007, “The Religious Life of a Renowned Shanghai Businessman and Philanthropist, Wang Yiting 王一亭”, paper presented at 「從城市看中國的現代性」國際學術研討會, 台北市: 中央研究院近代史研究所, 2007-06-28 —— 2007-06-29.

Paul Katz, May. 2007, “’Their Own Oaths They Hold as Sacred’: Judicial Rituals in Western-ruled Chinese Communities”, paper presented at 「法律, 文化與社會」工作坊, 新竹市: 國立清華大學人類學研究所, 2007-05-27.

Paul Katz, Dec. 2006, “Judicial Rituals and Legitimation in Chinese Society”, paper presented at 「中國傳統法律文化的形成與轉變」研討會, 台北市: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所, 2006-12-14 —— 2006-12-16.


Paul Katz, 1990, “Plague Festivals in Chekiang(浙江)in Late Imperial China”, 333 pages, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University.


Paul R. Katz, Mar. 2013, “Review of Randall L. Nadeau, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Chinese Religions”, The China Quarterly, 213, 218-219.

Paul R. Katz, Aug. 2012, “Review of David A. Palmer, Glenn Shive, and Philip L. Wickeri, eds., Chinese Religious Life”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 71(3), 784-787.

Paul Katz, 2011, “Review of Yoshiko Ashiwa & David L. Wank, eds., Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 37, 96-99.

Paul Katz, Sept. 2011, “Review of Avron Boretz, Gods, Ghosts, and Gangsters: Ritual Violence, Martial Arts, and Masculinity on the Margins of Chinese Society”, The China Quarterly, 207.

Paul Katz, Sept. 2010, “Review of James Robson, Power of Place: The Religious Landscape of the Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue 南嶽) in Medieval China”, 漢學研究, 28(17), 331-337.

Paul Katz, Mar. 2009, “Review of Vincent Goossaert, The Taoists of Peking, 1800-1949. A Social History of Urban Clerics”, American Historical Review, 114(1), 155-156.

Paul Katz, Mar. 2009, “Review of Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue, Death by a Thousand Cuts”, China Perspectives, 4, 128-130.

Paul Katz, Sept. 2009, “Review of Cheng-tian Kuo, Religion and Democracy in Taiwan and Richard Madsen, Democracy’s Dharma: Religious Renaissance and Political Development in Taiwan”, The China Quarterly, 199, 809-812.

Paul Katz, Mar. 2009, “Review of Tonio Andrade, How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century”, The International Journal of Asian Studies, 6(1), 126-129.

Paul Katz, Dec. 2009, “Review of Brigitte Baptandier, The Lady of Linshui. A Chinese Female Cult”, 近代中國婦女史研究, 17, 257-267.

Paul Katz, Oct. 2008, “Review of Meir Shahar, The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts”, H-Buddhism, URL: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=17288.

Paul Katz, Sept. 2008, “Review of Barend J. ter Haar, Telling Stories: Witchcraft and Scapegoating in Chinese History ”, 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, 61, 185-192.

Paul Katz, 2007, “Review of Richard Belsky, Localities at the Center: Native-Place, Space, and Power in Late Imperial Beijing”, 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, 55, 201-207.

Paul Katz, 2006, “Review of Vincent Goossaert, L’Interdit du boeuf en Chine. Agriculture, éthique et sacrifice”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 34, 96-101.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Review of Guo Qitao, Exorcism and Money: The Symbolic World of the Five-Fury Spirits in Late Imperial China”, China Review International, 11(1), 105-112.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Review of Richard von Glahn, The Sinister Way, The Divine and the Demonic in Chinese Religious Culture”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 32, 262-271.

Paul Katz, 2004, “Review of Robert Hymes, Way and Byway: Taoism, Local Religion, and Models of Divinity in Sung and Modern China”, Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 34, 159-170.

Paul Katz, 2003, “Review of Marc L. Moskowitz, The Haunting Fetus: Abortion, Sexuality, and the Spirit World in Taiwan”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 123(1), 231-234.

Paul Katz, 2003, “Review of Allessandro Dell’Orto, Place and Spirit in Taiwan: Tudi Gong in the Stories, Strategies, and Memories of Everyday Life”, The China Quarterly, 175, 839-841.

Paul Katz, 2003, “Review of Barend ter Haar, Ritual and Mythology of the Chinese Triads: Creating an Identity”, 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, 40, 271-284.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Review of Edward L. Davis, Society and the Supernatural in Song China”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 62(2), 449-462.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Review of Poul Andersen, The Demon Chained under Turtle Mountain: The History and Mythology of the Chinese River Spirit Wuzhiqi”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 122(3), 628-629.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Review of Stephen Little and Shawn Eichman, eds., Taoism and the Arts of China”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 122(1), 141-143.

Paul Katz, 2002, “Review article on recent books by Wang Chien-ch’uan 王見川 and Li Shih-wei 李世偉”, Studies in Central & East Asian Religions, 12 & 13, 209-219.

Paul Katz, 2001, “Review of Donald S. Lopez, Jr., ed., Religions of China in Practice”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 28, 226-228.

Paul Katz, 2001, “Review of Stephan Feuchtwang, Popular Religion in China. The Imperial Metaphor”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 29, 354-355.

Paul Katz, 2000, “Review of Meir Shahar, Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature”, 漢學研究, 18(2), 441-447.

Paul Katz, 1999, “Review of Terry F. Kleeman, Great Perfection: Religion and Ethnicity in a Chinese Millenial Kingdom”, China Review International, 6(1), 161-165.

Paul Katz, 1999, “Review of Kenneth Dean, Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast China”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 27, 93-104.

Paul Katz, 1997, “Review of Luke K. S. Kwong, T’an Ssu-t’ung, 1865-1898: Life and Thought of a Reformer”, China Review International, 4(2), 471-474.

Paul Katz, 1996, “Review of David Johnson, ed., Ritual and Scripture in Chinese Popular Religion”, China Review International, 3(2), 247-250.

Paul Katz, 1996, “Review of Robert P. Weller, Resistance, Chaos and Control in China”, The China Journal, 35, 180-181.

Paul Katz, 1994, “Review of Barend ter Haar, The White Lotus Teachings in Chinese Religious History”, Newsletter for Modern Chinese History, 18, 185-203.

Paul Katz, 1994, “Review of Kenneth Dean, Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China”, 新史學, 5(3), 165-176.

Paul Katz, 1992, “Review of Valerie Hansen, Changing Gods in Medieval China, 1127-1276”, 新史學, 3(4), 169-177.

Paul Katz, 1990, “Review of John Lagerwey, Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History”, Journal of Ritual Studies, 4(2), 403-409.

Paul Katz,1990年,〈評蔡相輝著《台灣的王爺與媽祖》〉,《新史學》,創刊號,頁155-162。