






巴黎政治学院(Sciences-Po Paris)社会学博士&中山大学社会学博士。












1、Patricia M. Thornton, Peidong Sun & Chris Berry eds. 2017. Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Cambridge University Press.


Karl Gerth (2016)。 Review of ‘Shishang yu zhengzhi: Guangdong minzhong richang zhuozhuang shishang’, The Journal of Asian Studies, 75, pp 515-517. doi:10.1017/S0021911816000164.

Haiyun Wu (2015)。 Review of “Fashion and Politics: Everyday Clothing Fashion of Cantonese People (1966-1976)”, New Frontiers in Asian Scholarship (哈佛大学燕京学社2014年7月18日)





薛亚利:《让择偶过程看得见——评孙沛东新著<谁来娶我的女儿>》,《中国家庭研究》第八卷, 上海社会科学院出版社。

此外,多家国内、外媒体做了专访、报导和转载:国外媒体:《The Wall Street Journal》(华尔街日报)、《Los Angeles Times》(洛杉矶时报)、《The Southland Times》(南部时报)等;《Globle Times》(环球时报)、国内媒体:《China Daily》(中国日报)、《半月谈》、《中国青年报》、《东方早报》、《时代周报》、《新民晚报》、《新闻晨报》、《第一财经日报》和《生活周刊》报纸及光明网、新华网、解放网、中青网、共识网、凤凰网、南都网、新浪网、腾讯网、文汇网等。


1、Finnane A. &amp; Sun, P.(2017)。Textiles and apparel in the Mao years: uniformity, variety, and the limits of autarchy, Ed.Segre Reinach Simona &amp; Wessie Ling, Multiple Chinas: The making of Chinese fashion in the transglobal landscape, I.B. Tauris Press.

2、Sun, P. (2017)。 Abolir la mode: Enquête sur la Révolution culturelle chinoise et la répression des «tenues extravagantes».Modes pratiques: Revue d’Histoire du Vêtement et de la Mode, n°2,125-170.

3、Peidong Sun. The Collar Revolution: Everyday Clothing in Guangdong as Resistance in the Cultural Revolution. The China Quarterly, available on CJO2016. doi:10.1017/S0305741016000692.

4、Berry, C, Thornton, P. &amp; Sun, P.(2016)。 The Cultural Revolution Memories: and Legacies 50 Year on, P. Sun, P. &amp; Berry, C. eds. 2016. Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 604-612.


6、Finnane Antonia &amp; Peidong Sun,Textiles and apparel in the Mao years: uniformity, variety, and the limits of autarchy, Ed.Segre Reinach Simona &amp; Wessie Ling, Multiple Chinas: The making of Chinese fashion in the transglobal landscape, I.B. Tauris Press, 2016(Forthcoming)。


8、Jun Zhang &amp; Peidong Sun. “When Are You Going to Get Married”, Parental Matchmaking and Middle-Class Women in Contemporary Urban China,ed. Deborah Davis &amp; Sara Friedman,Wives, Husbands and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China, Stanford University Press,2014,pp118-144.

9、孙沛东:《二战中犹太人非正常死亡问题》,《开放时代》2014年第2期, 第113-119页。


a) 《“白发相亲”与集体性焦虑》,《中国社会科学文摘》2014年第4期,第144-145页两个版。

b) 《相亲角与“白发相亲”》,《新华文摘》2014年第8期,第160页。










20、孙沛东:《裤脚上的阶级斗争——“文革”时期广东的“奇装异服”与国家规训》,《开放时代》, 2010年第6期,第84-101页。







1、Revolution in the collars: Dress resistances in the Everyday life of Guangdong Province during the Cultural Revolution, Workshop on the Legacy of the Mao Era: The Chinese Cultural Revolution, School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London,Feb.16-17,2015.

2、“衣领上的革命:文革时期广东民众日常着装抗争”,“毛泽东时代的遗产:文化大革命”workshop,复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心和《The China Quarterly》合办,复旦大学,2015年1月9-10日。


4、The production of Dacron in Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution,Workshop “Textiles and technology: local perspectives from the humanities and social sciences,” organized by School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, University of Melbourne, 15 August 2014.

5、Fashion and Politics: Chinese Politics and Culture as Expressed in Clothing Consumption(1966-1976),AAS-in-Asia conference, Singapore,16-19 July 2014.

6、Fashion in shadow of the Maoism: Dress distinction in the everyday life of the People of Guangdong Province during the Cultural Revolution, AASA conference, Perth Australia,7-10 July 2014.

7、Who will marry my daughter? Parental Matchmaking Corner and the Sent-down youth generation,“The Legacy of Sent-down Youth in Contemporary China”, organized by the UC-Fudan Center on Contemporary Chinese Studies, UC San Diego and the Institute of Humanities Research, UC Santa Cruz, 27-29 April 2014.

8、Parental Matchmaking and Parental Matchmaking Corner in Shanghai:Collective Anxiety of Sent-Down Youth,“History and Memory of the Zhiqing Generation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Workshop”, Center for International Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University, December 13-14, 2013.


10、《粹体制下犹太人死亡人数:法国历史学家Annette Wieviorka的视角》,统计与政治:第十一届开放时代论坛,广州社会科学院《开放时代》主办,2013年11月2-3日。

11、Everyday life under socialism in Europe and China,Merton College, Oxford university, “What oral Histories Can Tell Us about the Everyday Life under Mao”, September 26-28,2013.


13、When Are You Going to Get Married? Marriage and Middle-class Women in Contemporary Urban China, “Workshop on “Marriage in Cosmopolitan China”, Hong Kong University, July 5-6 2011.


1、参与2001年国家社会科学基金一般项目 “消费模式转型与代群消费观念的变迁”(项目编号:01BSH018),第三参与人;

2、参与2001年国家社会科学基金一般项目 “消费模式转型与代群消费观念的变迁”(项目编号:01BSH018),第三参与人;



5、作为第一合作者,参与The Fate of the Artisan in Revolutionary China: Tailors in Beijing, 1930s-1960s, National Competitive Grants Program of Australian Research Council in 2012(项目编号:DP130100262), Cooperated with professor Antonia Finnane,School of Historical Studies at The University of Melbourne.

6、作为第一合作者,参与Yale University Human Research Protection Program参与“Marriage in Urban China”,Cooperated with professor Deborah Davis,2010.9-2011.7.


1、China Colloquium Series lecture in Council of the East Asian Studies at Yale University, The Son also Rises: Stratification of Personal Reading among Educated Youth during the Cultural Revolution, January 26, 2017.

2、Council of the East Asian Studies at Yale University, Marriage and inter-generation relation in China: Observation of Matchmaking Corner in Shanghai, January 26, 2017.


4、Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Melbourne: Who will marry my daughter? Shanghai Parental Match Making Corner and Zhiqing generation, July 31, 2014.




8、复旦大学文科科研处和复旦大学社会科学高等研究院联合主办的“通业青年讲坛”:“衣领上的区分:广东民众日常着装的区分性表达”, 2012年12月24日。

9、香港大学社会学系“卓越学者系列讲座”(Distinguished Scholars Lecture Series):“裤脚上的阶级斗争 —文革时期广东的‘奇装异服’与国家规训”,2011年4月12日。








Years of Stay at HYI: Aug 2016 to May 2017

Peidong Sun is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Fudan University. She is the Edward Teller National Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, for the 2017-18 academic year. She received her B.A in French and M.A. in French Literature from Zhongshan University, and a joint Ph.D. in Sociology from L’Observatoire Sociologique du Changement, Sciences-Po, Paris and Zhongshan University. Her main areas of research focus on historical sociology, cultural sociology, and social history and institutional change during the 20th century. She has published twenty articles in The China Quarterly and other peer-reviewed journals. Along with Patricia M. Thornton (Oxford University) and Chris Berry (King’s College London), she is co-editor of a special issue of The China Quarterly (September 2016) entitled “The Cultural Revolution: Memories and Legacies 50 Years on,” which will also be part of an edited volume entitled Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (published in 2017 by Cambridge University Press)。 Her other publications include a book chapter titled, “‘When Are You Going to Get Married?’ Parental Matchmaking and Middle-Class Women in Contemporary Urban China,” in Deborah Davis &amp; Sara Friedman Ed., Wives, Husbands and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China (Stanford University Press, 2014)。 Her latest books include 《时尚与政治:广东民众日常着装时尚》(人民出版社,2013) (Fashion and Politics: Everyday Clothing Fashion in Guangdong Province during the Cultural Revolution); 《谁来娶我的女儿?上海相亲角与“白发相亲”》(中国社会科学出版社, 2012; 2013) (Who will Marry My Daughter? The Parental Matchmaking Corner in the People’s Square of Shanghai)。 As a Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar for the 2016-17 academic year, she is working on her third book project, which is tentatively titled “Personal Reading of Educated Youth Generation: History and Memory of the Cultural Revolution.”

Recent Publications:

January 2017

Peidong Sun, 2017, “Abolir la mode: Enquête sur la Révolution culturelle chinoise et la répression des «tenues extravagantes».”Modes pratiques: Revue d’histoire du vêtement et de la mode 2(2017):125-170.

February 2017

Patricia Thornton, Peidong Sun &amp; Chris Berry eds., 2017. Red Shadows: Memories and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

December 2017

Peidong Sun, 2017, “La profondeur sait rester discrete: Les jeunes instruits de Pékin et de Shanghai durant la Révolution culturelle.” In : CHI, Miao, DARD, Olivier, FLEURY, Béatrice, WALTER, Jacques, La Révolution culturelle en Chine et en France. Expériences, savoirs, mémoires, Paris: Riveneuve Éd. p. 69-83.

March 2018

Peidong Sun, 2018, “Governance, Diversity and China since the 1950s—An interview with George P. Shultz,” Chinese Historical Review.

April 2018

Peidong Sun, 2018, “Audio-visual Violence: the production and transmission of the Nine Commentaries and the memories of the Red Guard Generation,”视听暴力:“九评”的生产传播及红卫兵一代的记忆 Reflexion 思想35, Linking Publishing.

May 2018

Antonia Finnane and Peidong Sun, 2018, “Textiles and apparel in the Mao years: uniformity, variety, and the limits of autarchy,” in S. Simona &amp; W. Ling eds., Making Fashion in Multiple Chinas: Chinese Styles in the Transglobal Landscape. London: I.B. Tauris Press.
